
CLICK HERE TO SEARCH DATABASE 1  - Currently 301,437 vehicles in Database 1.

NOTE: Vehicles listed on our website are from Database 1 and Database 2. If you can't find particular vehicles listed on our website in Database 1 or Database 2, that indicates they have sold and been removed from databases. These vehicles sell quickly, inventory changes daily. However, more same or similar vehicles can be available again at some point.

Vehicles from Database 1 are sold to the best offer at no reserve. It is necessary to register as a Buyer to make offers on vehicles from Database 1. The fee to register as a Buyer is $59 per year. Refundable within 7 days if you change your mind.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER TO BUY VEHICLES FROM DATABASE 1 - You can search DATABASE 1 as often as you want at no cost, but it is necessary to register as a Buyer to submit offers on vehicles from DATABASE 1. 

Some inventory in DATABASE 1 cannot be bought without a Dealer's License. However, for your convenience you can use LICENSED MARKET MAKERS that enable you to bid on vehicles in DATABASE 1 using their Dealer Licensed account. They typically charge around $150 fee for each vehicle you purchase.

NOTE: If you prefer not to bid or make offers, we offer several thousand repairable salvage vehicles at negotiable prices and no Dealer's License or registration required. These vehicles are not listed in Database 1 or Database 2. Instead, these vehicles are available exclusively from our nationwide network of approximately 100 salvage vehicle brokers that specialize in repairable vehicles. There's no bidding, no licenses, no registration, no middleman. You deal direct with our salvage brokers and prices are negotiable. See our 103 SALVAGE BROKER'S INVENTORY


